The Backstory

Ever have a craving so bizarre you have to see if it’s any good? Well, we have and that’s how this book began.

After a long day in Hawaii, where we got properly sun stoned from the hard task of laying out at the beach, nothing sounded better than pizza and air conditioning. So we grabbed a frozen pizza on our walk home and decided to put the remains of our Maui onion chips on top. This sparked the idea of adding our leftover pineapple from our sack lunch too. It all came together when we remembered we had some breakfast bacon in the fridge, and with that our first “recipe” was born.

Why bother making a cookbook? We could have made a blog, but the truth is we don’t really have that much to say about each recipe. We’re just a couple of designers that really enjoy cooking and making things. We met in design school over 15 years ago where Alyson’s thesis project was a cupcake and wine pairing book and Tanner has since taken up photography, so…with our powers and palates combined we began thinking of the most cravable combos specifically for managing those munchies.

Munchies!? Like, from smoking weed!? Yeah. While we believe in marijuana use for medicinal and recreational purposes none of our recipes include THC or CBD. We have a feeling that even those who don’t partake will probably find a recipe or two they enjoy.

Our goal with the recipes was not to innovate like a chef, but take foods we love and give them a twist. We had a lot of fun experimenting while coming up with the 42 recipes that you’ll find in the pages of our book and we hope they lead to you to be fully satiated!